
Monday, 11 December 2017

PBL reflection

-Evaluation questions
Minimum sentence requirements

-Explain what your group did for your PBL, what was and was not successful, and why.
For project based learning my group did suicide prevention.As a group the people in it didn't work,but in the end it was fine.What did work was our planning we got a plan sorted in about 20 minutes.We did a bake sale which was fun we managed to raise $60 to send to youth-line.We also planned to do a mural which we didn't manage to get done but have plans to do it on the holiday's.

-Explain whether your group achieved your goals and why or why not
We achieved 1 of our goals which was to get the bake sale done.We got is done bye persevering
and good time management.As I said we didn't achieve the mural.We didn't achieve it because of the lack of time management towards the end.

-Describe and explain YOUR PERSONAL ACTIONS IN THE enriching or improving the lives of others
My actions-I did the slides took me a while but I managed to finish,I also did the speech on what our group did,I baked for the bake.

-Explain what you would do differently next time and why
Time management,I guess the fact that it is the end of the year got on top of everyone meaning everyone was tired and wasn't motivated to do it .
Also choosing my peers wisely it became a bountiful amount of stress on me as my peers didn't do any work,I ended up taking lunchtimes and even staying after school to get the work done.

Monday, 4 December 2017


Week 2
Ideas week-We finally came up with a solid plan ,we are on checkpoint 5 at this point in time and we are exited to get things rolling,our plan is to do a bake sale exiting am i right,also we will hopefully get mural done if we can get the "ok" from Mr Sutton which were able to do" YAY"

Project based learning

Week 1
So we are getting started, getting our ideas on the table and choosing a subject
many subjects have come to mind like LGBT which is a big subject and same with family violence.
But the one that really stood out to us was suicide prevention so that is what we are going with.We managed to finish checkpoint 1-3 this week and after we fix the rest of checkpoint 3 we will be onto doing our tasks.

We also had to come up with our name which we decided TREEhouse just for fun